Author Archive

A GDPR Compliance Guide for Non-EU Businesses

EU Rep Founder David Fagan has created a short video full of information for Non-EU Businesses that process the data of EU Citizens. This informative video, from one of the country’s most respected GDPR experts explains your main liabilities as a non-EU Business, the first areas of non-compliance that a regulator looks for, recent examples […]

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Are you transferring EU personal data to the US?

What do you need to do in this post-Schrems II environment? You may be wondering what is involved in the “case-by-case assessments” which your organisation is expected to carry out? As organisations struggle to understand and address the uncertainty created by the Schrems ruling, the creation and use of synthetic data might provide a practical […]

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The impact of the UK leaving the European Union under the New Withdrawal Agreement by January 31st 2020

Brexit reminder. Given that the Conservatives are forming a majority Government which, with the Fixed Term Parliament legislation in the UK will likely last for the next five years, it is now reasonably clear that the UK will leave the European Union and implement the New Withdrawal Agreement by January 31st 2020. Irish companies transferring personal […]

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Q&A with David Fagan and Gail Chalmin, founders of EU Rep

Data Privacy

David Fagan, is a solicitor and commercial lawyer who has been working with companies for over 20 years, helping them manage their legal requirements on data privacy. Gail Chalmin is a commercial and data protection consultant with over 21 years experience helping companies with data compliance, data protection policies and contracts. Together they have founded EU Rep, an exciting […]

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A recent enquiry about Article 27 Representation

Article 27

We recently had an enquiry from a client who runs an international business across 30+ countries, their enquiry was about GDPR compliance and they also wanted to know what the impact of a no-deal or even a limited deal Brexit would have on their European business operations. Here, David Fagan shares his response… Dear xxxxxxxx, […]

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EU Rep – GDPR compliance for Non-EU companies


If you are a company based outside the EU, selling to people in the EU, (or even holding data on customer behaviour in the EU) then the chances are that a little known part of GDPR could have a huge effect on you. Put simply, Article 27 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) […]

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Navigating GDPR: 5 Common mistakes in a Privacy Policy

Good GDPR Practice

Business Legal is often called in to help businesses review or establish good GDPR practice, David Fagan and I help businesses of all sizes navigate this complex area and despite the GDPR now being live, from small start-ups to prospering SMEs there are still plenty of businesses that are struggling to comply. So as we […]

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